HIROTSU Bio Science Inc. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative; Takaaki Hirotsu (Hereinafter referred to as “HIROTSU”)), has launched an “Information for Medical Professionals” page with specialized information on the N-NOSE technology in order to promote a better understanding of the N-NOSE nematode cancer test.
Thanks to your support, more than 500,000 people have used the “N-NOSE” nematode cancer test since its launch in 2020, and more than 2,000 companies have introduced the test. Along with the expansion of the service, we have received requests from many people, including medical professionals, for a more detailed understanding of the “N-NOSE” technology. In response, we have decided to open an information page exclusively for medical professionals as a place to provide further information.
This page for medical professionals provides information to understand the performance of the test, such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value, as well as abstracts of basic and clinical research on N-NOSE, summaries of major research papers, and information on the practical application of N-NOSE. We will continue to focus on research and development to make the world a better place for early detection of cancer, and will continuously provide information to our customers, medical professionals, and all other stakeholders.
We will continue to focus on research and development to make the world a better place for early detection of cancer, and will continuously provide information to our customers, medical professionals, and all other stakeholders.
The international biomedical journal Biomedicines has just published a peer-reviewed review article* on data showing the effectiveness of N-NOSE . . .
2024.11.15At the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference held in Dubai from October 11 (Fri.) to 13 (Sun.), 2024, our Shonan R&D Center Res . . .
2024.10.25We, HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE Inc., participated in the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference that was held in Dubai from October 11th (F . . .