We have recently made a third-party allotment of shares to several operating companies, including Ryoko Co., Ltd.
We are currently promoting the nationwide expansion of “N-NOSE at home *”, which completes the process of applying for tests, submitting samples, and receiving results while at home. With this capital increase, we will build a stronger testing system and build a stronger testing system. We will strive to improve the value of our services.
The international biomedical journal Biomedicines has just published a peer-reviewed review article* on data showing the effectiveness of N-NOSE . . .
2024.11.15At the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference held in Dubai from October 11 (Fri.) to 13 (Sun.), 2024, our Shonan R&D Center Res . . .
2024.10.25We, HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE Inc., participated in the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference that was held in Dubai from October 11th (F . . .