


Evaluation of N-NOSE as a surveillance tool for recurrence in gastric and esophageal cancers: a prospective cohort study

Sayuri Iitaka, Akihiro Kuroda, Tomonori Narita, Hideyuki Hatakeyama, Masayo Morishita, Umbhorn Ungkulpasvich, Takaaki Hirotsu, Eric di Luccio, Koichi Yagi, Yasuyuki Seto

BMC Cancer, 2024, 24, 1544 (peer-reviewed)

A non-invasive screening method using Caenorhabditis elegans for early detection of multiple cancer types: A prospective clinical study

Hideyuki Hatakeyama, Masayo Morishita, Aya Hasan Alshammari, Umbhorn Ungkulpasvich, Junichi Yamaguchi, Takaaki Hirotsu, Eric di Luccio

Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports,September 2024, 39, 101778 (peer-reviewed)

Structural insights into the C-terminus of the histone-lysine N-methyltransferase NSD3 by small-angle X-ray scattering

Benny Dannilo Belviso, Yunpeng Shen, Benedetta Carrozzini, Masayo Morishita, Eric di Luccio, Rocco Caliandro

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 07 March 2024, DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2024.1191246(査読有)


Clinical Possibility of Caenorhabditis elegans as a Novel Evaluation Tool for Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotheraoy:A Prospective Study

Yuta Sato , Manabu Futamura , Yoshihiro Tanaka , Hiroshi Tsuchiya , Masahiro Fukada , Toshiya Higashi , Itaru Yasufuku , Ryuichi Asai , Jesse Yu Tajima , Shigeru Kiyama , Hideyuki Hatakeyama , Masayo Morishita , Takaaki Hirotsu , Eric di Luccio , Takuma Ishihara , Nobuhisa Matsuhashi, Kazuhiro Yoshida

Cancers, 2023, 15(15), 3870(査読有)


線虫C. elegansを用いた小児がんスクリーニング


小児外科, 2022年 54巻 10号 1032-1035

A new detection method for canine and feline cancer using the olfactory system of nematodes

Toshimi Sugimoto, Yozo Okuda, Ayaka Shima, Natsuko Sugiura, Nobuaki Kondo, Genki Ishihara, Takaaki Hirotsu, Eric di Luccio

Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Volume 32, December 2022.(査読有)


Scent test using Caenorhabditis elegans to screen for early-stage pancreatic cancer

Ayumu Asai, Masamitsu Konno, Miyuki Ozaki, Koichi Kawamoto, Ryota Chijimatsu, Nobuaki Kondo, Takaaki Hirotsu and Hideshi Ishii

Oncotarget. 2021; 12:1687-1696.(査読有)

Caenorhabditis elegans as a Diagnostic Aid for Pancreatic Cancer

Masanori Kobayashi, Akashi Fujita, Tomoya Ogawa, Yuki Tanisaka, Masafumi Mizuide, Nobuaki Kondo, Yuki Imaizumi, Takaaki Hirotsu, Shomei Ryozawa

Pancreas. 2021 May-Jun 01;50(5):673-678.(査読有)


西川 稿(上尾中央総合病院)
(西川 稿、土屋 昭彦、高森 頼雪、原田 容治、堀部 俊哉、広津 崇亮)

日本消化器がん検診学会雑誌 2021年 59巻 3号 p.237-245

Accuracy evaluation of the C. elegans cancer test (N-NOSE) using a new combined method

Satoshi Inaba, Naoki Shimozono, Hidehiko Yabuki, Motoki Enomoto, Masayo Morishita, Takaaki Hirotsu, Eric diLuccio*

Cancer Treatment and Research Comunication, 2021, 27:100370 (査読有)


COVID-19 Drug Discovery Using Intensive Approaches

Ayumu Asai, Masamitsu Konno, Miyuki Ozaki, Chihiro Otsuka, Andrea Vecchione, Takahiro Arai, Toru Kitagawa, Ken Ofusa, Masami Yabumoto, Takaaki Hirotsu, Masateru Taniguchi, Hidetoshi Eguchi, Yuichiro Doki and Hideshi Ishii*

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(8), 2839(査読有)

Efficiency of Gastrointestinal Cancer Detection by Nematode-NOSE (N-NOSE)

Hirotake Kusumoto, Kotaro Tashiro, Syunji Shimaoka, Koichiro Tsukasa, Yukiko Baba, Saori Furukawa, Junichiro Furukawa, Toyokuni Suenaga, Masaki Kitazono, Sadao Tanaka, Toru Niihara, Takaaki Hirotsu, Takayuki Uozumi*

In vivo, vol. 34 no. 1 73-80(査読有)


Behavioural Response Alteration in Caenorhabditis elegans to Urine After Surgical Removal of Cancer: Nematode-NOSE (N-NOSE) for Postoperative Evaluation

Hirotake Kusumoto, Kotaro Tashiro, Syunji Shimaoka, Koichiro Tsukasa, Yukiko Baba, Saori Furukawa, Junichiro Furukawa, Toyokuni Suenaga, Masaki Kitazono, Sadao Tanaka, Toru Niihara, Takaaki Hirotsu, *Takayuki Uozumi

Biomarkers in Cancer, Volume 11: 1–7(査読有)

Application of C. elegans cancer screening test for the detection of pancreatic tumor in genetically engineered mice

Yuji Ueda, Koichi Kawamoto, Masamitsu Konno, Kozo Noguchi, Satoru Kaifuchi, Taroh Satoh, Hidetoshi Eguchi, Yuichiro Doki, Takaaki Hirotsu, Masaki Mori and Hideshi Ishii

Oncotarget 2019 Vol,10 No.52 pp5412-5418(査読有)


A Highly Accurate Inclusive Cancer Screening Test Using Caenorhabditis elegans Scent Detection

*Hirotsu T., Sonoda H., Uozumi T., Shinden Y., Mimori K., Maehara Y., Ueda N., Hamakawa M.

PLOS ONE, 10(3): e0118699(査読有)

Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC-1) is required for olfactory sensing in C. elegans

Uozumi T., Hamakawa M., Deno Y., Nakajo M., *Hirotsu T.

Genes to Cells, 20, 802-816(査読有)

A role for Ras in inhibiting circular foraging behavior as revealed by a new method for time and cell-specific RNAi.

Hamakawa M., Uozumi T., Ueda N., Iino Y, *Hirotsu T.

BMC Biology, 13:6(査読有)

Cancer screening test using C. elegans scent detection.

*Hirotsu T.

Aroma Research, 16, 134-136(依頼執筆)


Screening of Odor-Receptor Pairs in Caenorhabditis elegans Reveals Different Receptors for High and Low Odor Concentrations.

Taniguchi G., Uozumi T., Kiriyama K., Kamizaki T., *Hirotsu T.

Science Signaling, 7 (323), ra39(査読有)

Screening of odor-receptor pairs reveals different receptors function depending on odor concentrations.

*Hirotsu T.

Aroma Research, 15, 242-243(依頼執筆)

電位依存性アニオンチャネルVDAC-1は線虫C. elegansの嗅覚シグナル伝達において重要な働きを持つ


味と匂学会論文集, 21, 3 (査読有)



味と匂学会論文集, 21, 3 (査読有)


In vivo imaging of Ras protein’s activity in olfactory neurons.

Uozumi T., Yamada R., Suzuki A., Taniguchi G., Yoshida K., Iino Y., Ishihara T., *Hirotsu T.

Protocol Exchange, 2013, 011(依頼執筆)


Temporally-regulated quick activation and inactivation of Ras is important for olfactory behaviour.

1Uozumi T., 1*Hirotsu T., Yoshida K., Yamada R., Suzuki A., Taniguchi G., Iino Y., and Ishihara T.

(Nature) Scientific Reports, 2, 500(査読有)

Odour concentration-dependent olfactory preference change in C. elegans.

Yoshida K., *Hirotsu T., Tagawa T., Oda S., Wakabayashi T., Iino Y., and Ishihara T.

Nature Communications, 3, 739(査読有)

Live imaging of signaling protein’s activity responding to odorant stimuli.

Uozumi T., *Hirotsu T

Aroma Research, 13, 244(依頼執筆)

Neural mechanisms of olfactory preference change depending on the odor concentration.

Yoshida K., *Hirotsu T.

Aroma Research, 13, 137(依頼執筆)

Scent aroma derived from woods: the consideration based on the physiological and psychological effects.

Shimizu K., Hirotsu T. (16人中8番目) et al.

線虫C. elegansにおける嗅覚受容体の網羅的解析


21世紀の遺伝学 VIII, 5(依頼執筆)


Behavioral choice between conflicting alternatives is regulated by a receptor guanylyl cyclase GCY-28 and a receptor tyrosine kinase SCD-2 in AIA interneurons of C. elegans.

Shinkai Y., Yamamoto Y., Fujiwara M., Tabata T., Murayama T., Hirotsu T., Ikeda D., Tsunozaki M., Iino Y., Bargmann C., Katsura I., and Ishihara T.

Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 3007-3015


Olfactory plasticity is regulated by pheromonal signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Yamada K., Hirotsu T., Matsuki M., Butcher A., Tomioka M., Ishihara T., Clardy J., Kunitomo H. and Iino Y.

Science, 329, 1647-1650(査読有)


A trophic role for Wnt-Ror kinase signaling during developmental pruning in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Hayashi Y., Hirotsu T., Iwata R., Kage-Nakadai E., Kunitomo H., Ishihara T., Iino Y. and Kubo T.

Nature Neuroscience, 12, 981-987(査読有)

Behavioural assay for olfactory plasticity in C. elegans.

Hirotsu T., Hayashi Y., Iwata R., Kunitomo H., Kage-Nakadai E., Kubo T., Ishihara T. and Iino Y.

Nature Protocols, 2009, 139(依頼執筆)

GPC-1, a G Protein {gamma} Subunit, Regulates Olfactory Adaptation in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Yamada K., Hirotsu T., Matsuki M., Kunitomo H. and Iino Y.

Genetics, 181, 1347-1357(査読有)


線虫C. elegans における匂いの濃度に依存した行動変化を制御する神経回路の解明

吉田和史、*広津崇亮、飯野雄一、石原 健

21世紀の遺伝学 V, 5(依頼執筆)


Neural circuit-dependent odor adaptation in C. elegans is regulated by the Ras-MAPK pathway.

Hirotsu T. and Iino Y.

Genes to Cells, 10, 517-530(査読有)

MBR-1, a novel helix-turn-helix transcription factor, is required for pruning of excessive neurites in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Kage E., Hayashi Y., Takeuchi H., Hirotsu T., Kunitomo H., Inoue T., Arai H., Iino Y. and Kubo T.

Current Biology, 15, 1554-1559(査読有)



広津 崇亮

(東京大学大学院 2001年3月)


The Ras-MAPK pathway is important for olfaction in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Hirotsu T., Saeki S., Yamamoto M. and Iino Y.

Nature, 404, 289-93(査読有)


Novel functions of the Ras-MAPK signal transduction pathway in neurons of C. elegans.

Hirotsu T., Saeki S. and Iino Y.

Worm Breeder's Gazette,15, 41(査読無)



The neural circuit mechanisms in the olfactory preference change after odor experience

Ueda N, Matsuo T, *Hirotsu T.



The Ras-MAPK pathway is important for foraging behavior in C. elegans

Hamakawa M, Iino Y, *Hirotsu T.


Systematic identification of the relationship between olfactory receptors and odorants in C. elegans

Taniguchi G, Kriyama K, Kamizaki T. *Hirotsu T.


Identification of neural circuits of central olfactory adaptation in C. elegans

Matsuo T, *Hirotsu T



Best Paper賞受賞3D-03 Systematic identification of specific receptors for odorants in C.elegans

*Hirotsu T., Taniguchi G., Kiriyama K., Kamizaki T., Noriko Sato and Ishihara T.


In vivo imaging of Ras activity in olfactory neurons suggests its transient activation is important for olfactory behaviour

Uozumi T., *Hirotsu T., et al.

Neuroscience Research, 71, E79-E79

Coordinated change of acting sensory neurons is important for olfactory preference change depending upon odor concentration

Yoshida K., *Hirotsu T., et al.

Neuroscience Research, 71, E174-E174


Live imaging of Ras activity in olfactory neurons in C. elegans.

*Hirotsu T., Yamada R., Suzuki A. and Ishihara T.

Neuroscience Research, 65, S175-S175

Analysis of putative olfactory receptor genes in C. elegans.

Kiriyama K., *Hirotsu T., Kamizaki T., Noriko Sato and Ishihara T.

Neuroscience Research, 65, S175-S175


Best Paper賞受賞Analysis of a neural circuit for the aversive response to high concentration of an attractive odorant in C. elegans.

Yoshida K., *Hirotsu T., Iino Y and Ishihara T.


The neprilysin gene nep-2 is involved in olfactory adaptation in C. elegans.

Yamada K. Hirotsu T., Matsuki M. Kunitomo H. and Iino Y.


G protein signaling in olfactory systems of C. elegans.

*Hirotsu T., Yamada R., Kamizaki T., Noriko Sato and Ishihara T.

Neuroscience Research, 61, S105-S105


The neprilysin gene nep-2 is involved in olfactory adaptation in C. elegans.

Yamada K. Hirotsu T., Matsuki M. Kunitomo H. and Iino Y.

Neuroscience Research, 58, S216-S216


Glutamate receptors are regulated by the Ras-MAPK pathway in neural circuit-dependent odor adaptation in C. elegans.

Hirotsu T. Ishihara T. Nishida E. and Iino Y.

Neuroscience Research, 55, S251-S251

Analysis of the significance and mechanism of neurite elimination using C. elegans as a model.

Hayashi Y., Hirotsu T., Kage E., Takeushi H., Kunitomo H., Iino Y. and Kubo T.

Neuroscience Research, 55, S185-S185


A novel C. elegans transcription factor MBR-1 is involved in olfactory plasticity and axon pruning.

Hayashi Y., Kage E., Hirotsu T., Takeushi H., Kunitomo H., Iino Y. and Kubo T.

Zoological Science, 21, 1318-1318

The Ras-MAPK pathway controls neural circuit-dependent odor adaptation by regulating localization of glutamate receptors in C. elegans.

Hirotsu T. and Iino Y.

Neuroscience Research, 50, S66-S66

Analysis of the function of MBR-1, a C. elegans transcription factor incolved in olfactory plasticity , in axon pruning.

Hayashi Y., Kage E., Hirotsu T., Takeushi H., Kunitomo H., Iino Y. and Kubo T.

Neuroscience Research, 50, S168-S168