HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE INC. (Head Office: Tokyo; Representative Director, President, and CEO; Takaaki Hirotsu (Hereinafter referred to as “HIROTSU”)), is pleased to announce that three distinct patents have been officially granted, each naming the HIROTSU as the assignee and its founder, Dr. Takaaki Hirotsu, as the inventor. These patents broaden HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE’s intellectual property portfolio in the field of advanced cancer detection using nematode chemotaxis technology.
1.Japan Patent (JP 7625283)
2.Australia Patent (AU 2018300963)
3.European Patent (EP 3839506)
These newly granted patents reinforce HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE’s leadership in biological diagnostics and enable further development and commercialization of cutting-edge cancer screening methods. By harnessing the power of nematodes, HIROTSU aims to deliver accurate, minimally invasive, and cost-effective solutions to address unmet needs of cancer screening worldwide.
A primary cancer screening test that leverages the highly accurate ability of the nematode C. elegans to detect cancer-specific odors. “N-NOSE®” is simple, non-invasive, and inexpensive. By simply submitting urine, you can get a whole-body examination of early-stage cancer risks.
Official Website: https://lp.n-nose.com/
“N-NOSE doggy” and “N-NOSE kitty”, cancer tests for dogs and cats, respectively, were developed based on the N-NOSE technology. Until now, there have been no cancer tests that are easily accessible to dogs and cats that are unable to express their subjective symptoms to their owners. This test can detect the risk of multiple cancers by simply submitting urine, just as humans do. N-NOSE animal service was launched in 2023.
Official Website: https://lp.n-nose.com/animal/
As a researcher, company CEO Hirotsu saw potential in nematodes’ habit and developed a primary cancer screening test called “N-NOSE®”. With this unique technology and talented researchers, we aim to create a world where cancer can be detected early, protecting people’s health and securing a safer future.
Headquarters : 22F New Otani Garden Court, 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative : Takaaki Hirotsu, CEO
Date of Establishment : August 2016
Main Service : Research, development, and marketing of cancer screenings using nematodes and nematode olfactory sensors.
Official Website : https://hbio.jp/en/
The international biomedical journal Biomedicines has just published a peer-reviewed review article* on data showing the effectiveness of N-NOSE . . .
2024.11.15At the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference held in Dubai from October 11 (Fri.) to 13 (Sun.), 2024, our Shonan R&D Center Res . . .
2024.10.25We, HIROTSU BIO SCIENCE Inc., participated in the Excellence in Oncology Care (EIOC) 2024 conference that was held in Dubai from October 11th (F . . .